Hello Kitty Bear Apps

點點騎士團—超次元之戰 1.0.16
最有誠意的工作室告白:在一個二維的次元世界,突然爆發的怪物入侵席捲了整個世界,告急!告急!次元世介面臨毀滅!用你的手放置英雄指拯救世界,點點騎士團開始行動,施放炫酷的技能掛機戰鬥!這一次,我們帶來了不一樣的點點騎士團解放你的雙手,暴走你的手速吧,打怪升級,強化裝備,放置掛機!創造點擊的奇跡!連擊99999999999……hit螢幕戳爛請撥打熱線電話:12306,我們會派遣臨時工上門免費更換貼膜。前方高能:請注意,如果您在遊戲中發現了兩件完全一樣(附加屬性完全相同)的裝備(橙色品質以上),恭喜您!您將獲得官方提供的8888鑽石大禮包!(截圖發郵件給客服)點點騎士團 最牛逼的裝備系統源自暗黑 血統尊貴 裝備完全隨機屬性賦予 永遠不會有屬性一樣的極品友情提示;無需每天把大量的時間和精力消耗在遊戲上,退出遊戲後,英雄帶著傭兵們會繼續在它們的次元世界掛機戰鬥,為你賺取金幣,最高放置掛機時間長達12小時,重新進入遊戲後就有大量金幣和裝備獲得哦!不要猶豫,趕快下載,放肆的點擊放置掛機戰鬥吧,拯救次元世界的英雄就是你!Most sincere confessionstudio:In a two-dimensional dimensional world, the sudden outbreak of themonster invasion swept across the world, in an emergency!Emergency! World-dimensional faces ruin!Use your hands to place the hero means to save the world, theKnights into action little, cast cool hang fighting skills!This time, we brought a little bit different KnightsLiberation of your hands, your hands runaway speed bar, Daguaiupgrade, strengthen the equipment placed on-hook!Click to create a miracle! 99999999999 ...... hit batterScreen stamp rotten please call the hotline: 12306 and we will senda free replacement foil temporary home.Energy front:Please note that if you find two completely different (additionalproperties identical) equipment (orange quality above) in the game,congratulations!You will get official 8888 Diamond spree offer! (Screenshot mail tocustomer service)Knights little newbest equipment systemDarksiders distinguished from completely random property andequipment assigned to never have the same attributes of thebestfriendly reminder;Every day without a lot of time and energy consumed in the game,quit the game, the hero with a mercenary who will continue in theirdimensional world hanging fight for you to earn gold, the highestplaced hook for a period up to 12 hours, again after entering thegame there are a lot of gold and equipment to get Oh!Do not hesitate to download, click presumptuous hook placed tofight it, to save the world dimensional hero is you!